Assisted Living Education


Meet education, training, and continuing education requirements with coursework designed exclusively for Assisted Living.

Assisted Living Education


Meet education, training, and continuing education requirements with coursework designed exclusively for Assisted Living.

Assisted Living Innovation icon


Assisted Living Specific Icon

Assisted Living Specific

Assisted Living Continuing Education Icon

Continuing Education

Assisted Living Documentation Icon


Assisted Living Required Learning Icon

Required Learning

Assisted Living Specific Icon

Assisted Living Specific

Assisted Living Continuing Education Icon

Continuing Education

Assisted Living Documentation Icon


Assisted Living Required Learning Icon

Required Learning

Assisted Living Specific Icon

Assisted Living Specific

Assisted Living Continuing Education Icon

Continuing Education

Skilled Nursing Prepare Icon


TEST Be prepared to demonstrate compliance with education regulations.

Skilled Nursing Deliver Icon


Provide education to help increase staff confidence in delivering quality care.

Education & Training Topics

Education & Training Topics

Alzheimer's Disease & Dementia

Courses related to Alzheimer's disease, dementia, cognitive impairment, and delivery of person-centered care for those living with memory issues

Annual Requirements

A full slate of courses to help organizations meet orientation and annual requirements

Behavioral Health

Drug and non-drug intervention content for every member of the team


Courses to support assessments, activities of daily living, communications vital signs, and additional necessary competencies

Customer Service

The entire team can learn improved customer service and telephone etiquette skills

Infection Control

Meet the ongoing challenges surrounding infection control and prevention


Nurses and medication aides learn medication administration and more

Mental Health

Courses to support the mental health of staff and the older adult through person-centered interventions and strategies

Person-Centered Care Service Delivery

Includes activities programming, cultural competency, communications, spiritual, and trauma-informed care

Professional Development

Develop core employee skills such as communication, conflict management, team building, performance, and more


Courses to support safety for the older adult and staff that include code response, falls, fire safety, active shooters, and more

Alzheimer’s Disease & Dementia

Annual Requirements

Behavioral Health


Customer Service

Infection Control


Mental Health

Person-Centered Care Service Delivery

Professional Development



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eLearning Benefits

Easy-to-use solution that allows for the management of education and training in one place.




eLearning Benefits

Easy-to-use solution that allows for the management of education and training in one place.




Digitally assess, remediate, and document real-time demonstration of competencies for all staff.



Digitally assess, remediate, and document real-time demonstration of competencies for all staff.

70+ digital checklists

Videos included to aid in competency development

Evidence-based checklists

Interdisciplinary and relevant to all staff

Compatible with all devices

Add your own competencies

70+ digital checklists

Videos included to aid in competency development

Evidence-based checklists

Interdisciplinary and relevant to all staff

Compatible with all devices

Add your own competencies

How it works

Use on any device


  • Evaluator assigns competency to staff
  • Staff can review proper performance of a competency
  • Evaluator observes staff demonstrating the competency


  • Successful competency completion is automatically documented in the system

How it works

Use on any device


  • Evaluator assigns competency to staff
  • Staff can review proper performance of a competency
  • Evaluator observes staff demonstrating the competency


  • Successful competency completion is automatically documented in the system

This is where a blurb about “remediation/pass/fail” video. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattiso dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

How it works

Use on any device


  • Evaluator assigns competency to staff
  • Staff can review proper performance of a competency
  • Evaluator observes staff demonstrating the competency


  • Successful competency completion is automatically documented in the system

How it works

Use on any device


  • Evaluator assigns competency to staff
  • Staff can review proper performance of a competency
  • Evaluator observes staff demonstrating the competency


  • Successful competency completion is automatically documented in the system

This is where a blurb about “remediation/pass/fail” video. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattiso dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

eSkills Benefits


Standardized and consistent
Evaluate all staff using
evidence-based, standardized checklists.

compatible with all devices

Compatible with all devices

document in real-time

Evaluate and document in real-time
Replace paper-based systems and conduct competency assessment, remediation, and documentation in real-time.

eSkills Benefits

Standardized and consistent
Evaluate all staff using
evidence-based, standardized checklists.

Compatible with all devices

Evaluate and document in real-time
Replace paper-based systems and conduct competency assessment, remediation, and documentation in real-time.